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50/50 Leadership

Promoting Women's Equity in Leadership

User Research for 50/50 Leadership


At 50/50 Leadership, there were in the process of redesigning their website for gaining more awareness of their programs and events for underprivileged women.



Adobe Illustrator


UX/UI Design, UX Research


I was tasked with conducting user interviews and analyzing the results from the research. Conducted both qualitative and quantitative research. Gained insights from users interviews and card sorting technique to identify common trends. Some of the takeaways from these interviews are

1. The website is not organized in a logical fashion and it is difficult to access some of the important links like the Subscribe , Volunteer and the donate button.

2. Signing up for events is hard and could be more intuitive. Sometimes it is repetitive.

3. Onboarding process could be better.

4. Open the bio page in a separate page as it is difficult to read the print in the background.

5. Website color is bland and the logo is pixelated.

6. Add more testimonials to the Money 101 page.

Once we received some of these insights from the users we had a better understanding of the users frustrations and challenges in using the website and how we can help solve some of the problems.

Created low fidelity wireframes in figma for the events page.


After the initial research process, started creating wireframes for the website starting with the Events page. Constant collaboration with the developers, marketing and the UX team helped us to solve some of the problems and make the interaction enjoyable for the users.

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